Errorprovider vb
Errorprovider vb

errorprovider vb

If Len(ErrorProvider1.GetError(ctrl)) > 0 Then StrErrorList = " " For Each ctrl In Me.Controls ' Also adding below handlers for textboxes to check for value change AddHandler txtbook_name.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĪddHandler txtauthor.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĪddHandler txtprice.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĪddHandler txtrack_no.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĪddHandler TxtNo_of_Books.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĪddHandler txtvol_no.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĮnd Sub Private Sub ValidateInputs( ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' creating a FOR EACH LOOP to check all comboboxes for value presence For Each cbo As ComboBox In ( Of ComboBox)()ĪddHandler cbo.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputs ' Also adding below handlers for comboxs to check for value change AddHandler cboStaff_id.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĪddHandler cboPub_id.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĪddHandler cboSub_Code.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĪddHandler DateTimePicker1.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputsĮnd Sub Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click

errorprovider vb

' creating a FOR EACH LOOP to check all textboxes for value presence For Each t As TextBox In ( Of TextBox)()ĪddHandler t.TextChanged, AddressOf ValidateInputs

errorprovider vb

Private Sub btnInsert_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnInsert.Click

Errorprovider vb